
Our strategic plan for the coming five years is inextricably interwoven with our core corporate values, the realization of our vision and nurturing of our promises. We intend to continue our efforts to gain worldwide recognition as the finest producer of home appliances and equipment. Universal will advance its leading-edge development of home appliances and equipment whilst broadening the range of products on offer to encompass the needs of today's varied and demanding markets. 

A prime objective will be to maintain, strengthen and develop our existing distribution network, thus further extending our arms around the globe. We seek to further enhance our competitive edge through the launch of our new "Tailored Electronics line", a new service that will enable us to offer IT products expressly tailored to the individuality of our customers. We shall endeavor not only to develop our self-sufficiency in terms of raw materials, but also to become a key-player in lifting industry standards as a whole, by becoming a major source of uniquely high-quality materials for all industrial producers.